MCAH Adds CT Scanning
We are now offering the ability for pets to get a CT scan done in-house. The CT scan allows veterinarians to see objects with more detail than with x-rays or ultrasounds and in 3D.
We are one of the first veterinarians in the country to offer this cutting edge service, allowing us to “see” through skin, tissue, and organs to diagnose problems quicker and more accurately than ever before.
Our imaging platform employs High Definition Volumetric Imaging (HDVI) technology, which is new for 2020, proprietary, and patented imaging. Similar to Computed Tomography (CT), it produces incredibly detailed and ultra-high resolution 3D images of you pets anatomy. Lesions as fine as a human hair are now easily visible. As another advantage, it delivers much less radiation then conventional CT systems, which decreases your pet’s radiation exposure. Clinicians receive the markets highest resolution diagnostic images and can review the image data in any angle or orientation leading to superior diagnostic confidence. This machine has just been FDA approved for human usage.
Feel free to call if you are unsure if CT scanning would be helpful.
Possibly studies include:
- Sinus evaluation
- Full mouth dental imaging
- Spine diseases
- Ectopic ureters
- Cancer evaluation
- Brain tumors/epilepsy evaluation
- 95% of vascular brain tumors
- Middle ear problems
- Suspected degenerative disk
- Growth related lesions of shoulder and elbow
- Meniscal tears of the knee
- Portosystemic shunts
- and much more
This CBS News clip is calling HDVI CT scans a game changer:
Our Hope is that the Results of the CT Scan will give Clients the Answers they Need to Make the Best Decision for Their Pets
Sometimes a CT scan will tell you surgery is not an option and palliative care is the best to way to proceed. Other times, it allows you to carefully plan a surgery for maximum results with no surprises. Our hope is this will help us further refine the cases and end up with a path to treatment in which client/doctor and patient has the best outcome.
Referral Process (if you see another veterinarian)
Referral – One of our doctors will evaluate the request, bloodwork, x-rays and CT scans recommended by your veterinarian. We will preplan for the CT study and schedule the CT scan as soon as possible.
Appointment Day – The day of the CT scan we will meet with the client and pet, perform a pre-anesthetic exam and answer any questions the client may have have about the procedure that will be performed that day.
Procedure – Each patent will receive an IV catheter and IV fluids before and after the CT study. The patient will be anesthetized for the CT since movement blurs the images. Each patient will receive contrast dye through the IV at the time of the CT study. The dye is needed to show vessels and outline structures.
Post Study – The pet will be monitored by our registered veterinary nurses and kept on IV fluids until fully recovered from anesthesia. Your pet can go home the same day of the procedure. The full diagnostic procedure often requires patients be in the hospital for 6-8 hours.
Follow Up – A board certified radiologist will receive the CT scan the day it is done and send us a report within 24 hours. We will forward the report to the referring veterinarian for them to consult and you as the referring veterinarian will give the recommendations of follow up. As a courtesy to the referring veterinarian we will not discuss the results with the client unless we receive written approval from the veterinarian.