CIV Vaccine
Canine Influenza Virus (combo) – Virologist recommend vaccinating dogs against both strains (H3N2 and H3N8). If a dog gets exposed to both strains of the virus, there is a potential for the virus to mutate in their body because they are so similar. This mutation may be resistant to treatment or may be able to infect other species. Both strains have been found in over 40 states with ongoing outbreaks. We are now vaccinating our patients towards both strains. Given to dogs over 8 weeks of age as a two series vaccination, 2-4 weeks apart; and then yearly after that. If overdue by more than 6 months needs to restart series. If a pet has been only vaccinated prior with a N8 strain, we will need to vaccinate with the combo then booster that in 2-4 weeks. If a patient was only vaccinated prior with just a N2 strain then you can booster with the combo; no revaccinating necessary.